How to prepare concrete cubes, using cube moulds, for testing?

Concrete Cube Mould preparation for strength testing

Clean the cube mould thoroughly and oil it’s inner walls lightly. Freshly prepared concrete should be added to the mould and compacted with a steel tamping bar, with at least 30 to 35 tamps per layer for a 100 mm cube mould. Slightly overfill the mould and gently trowel the extra concrete to level it with top of mould.

Keep the freshly filled cube mould at a place away from extreme heat or cold. Also, cover the top with a plastic sheet to prevent surface evaporation. After 72 hours, extract the concrete cube from cube mould and place it in the curing tank. After the completion of curing process, concrete cubes are ready for testing.

You can watch a descriptive video for concrete cube mould preparation at: 

To know more about cube moulds, visit:

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