Double Beam Spectrophotometer




Salient Features

  • Highly stable and accurate
  • True double beam optics
  • 8 lamp turret
  • User friendly software
  • Range: 185 - 930 nm
  • 1800 lines grating (USA)
  • Variable bandwidth software

Computer controlled, high performance, optically double beam atomic absorption spectrometer having following specifications.

Real time double beam with Deuterium background

CZ design with 330 mm focal length, 1800 line/mm grating and 185-930 nm wavelength range. Automatic emission wavelength selection and peaking. Continuously variable slits with 0.2 to 2 nm spectral bandwidth. Automatic wavelength scanning. Selected wide range.

High performance multi-alkali photo multiplier tube R928

Motorized Lamp Turret
Eight lamp motorized turret with automatic lamp selection and individual lamp peaking automatically warmed up. Compatible with standard & coded hollow cathode lamps

Background Correction
Deuterium arc radiation Ultra Fast-Pulse 1024 Hz background corrector wave length correction range 185-425 nm, Corrects to 2.5 total absorbance

Fully inert nebulizer

Spray Chamber
PTFE spray chamber and adjustable impact bead aerosol.

Titanium burner for C2 H2 - N2O & C2H2 - AIR

Automatic Flame Control Unit
Programmable gas controller with digital display of flow, Full safety interlock including built in pressure regulator on both lines, power failure protection, auto shut down of flame, burner drain, door interlock and electronic flame igniter & real time status sensing, fitted bung and pressure relief bung.

Greater than 0.7 abs for 5mg/L copper solution with an RSD of less than 0.5% characterstics concentration of copper 0.030 ug/ml.

Output Port
USB Connectivity for PC

Windows 10 based user friendly software.

100 x 55 x 58 cm (L x H x W) cm

65 kg, Unpacked

Electrical Requirements
220/240 V AC, 50/ 60 Hz, 800 VA

Hollow Cathode Lamps
67 Element high intensity single element available

Software CD
USB Cable
Cathode Lamps (optional)
Acetylene Cylinder (optional)
Nitrous Oxide Cylinder (optional)
Regulators (optional)
Moisture Filter (optional)

Double Beam Spectrophotometer

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